Forms for overseas companies

Forms for overseas companies that are carrying on business in Niue, as defined by the Companies Act 2006

Start an overseas company

Please select and download the forms you require from the list below. Complete the forms and send them, with the appropriate fee, to the Registrar (the address is on each form).

Section 283 Companies Act 2006

Section 293 Companies Act 2006

Update an overseas company

Please select and download the forms you require from the list below. Complete the forms and send them to the Registrar (the address is on each form).

Section 281(3) Companies Act 2006

Section 286(1) Companies Act 2006

File an annual return for an overseas company

To file an annual return for an overseas company you need to complete the following form and send it to the Registrar (the address is on the form).

Section 287 Companies Act 2006

Remove a company

There are forms available to record your intention to cease to carry on business in Niue (Form 19) and to apply to be removed from the register (Form 21).

Please select and download the form you require from below. Complete the form and send to the Registrar (the address is on each form).

Section 288 Companies Act 2006

Section 299 Companies Act 2006

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